
Chapter 33 - Deep Roots

"Simone! Do you even realize what you are doing?" Gabriella continued her chastise. "I don\'t really care much of Feather or the Han\'s but Hawk Monsanto? Oh dear, you are digging your own grave!"

Although Hawk Monsanto had somehow a good reputation and had changed the M Conglomerate\'s business approach by making sure everything is clean, many still feared them. Their long outstanding reputation as being the most dangerous and ruthless family in the country for ages had already taken deep roots. That was why many were still careful not to offend them, especially now that their wealth and power had tripled. ​​

Years ago, when the tall pedestal of Monsantos had fallen, many thought they were gone for good. However, ten years later, Hawk who was then seventeen, not even of legal age yet, had started picking up little by little their shattered wealth and reputation. He started from nothing and not long, just in the span of seven years, the M Conglomerate stood again, more grandiose than before. It was also this time that all the Monsantos had come back to the capital. they had lost many during their tribulation yet many also survived to share with Hawk\'s glory. Because of this, Hawk had been greatly respected not only by his family but also by many big businessmen who had seen him grow strong and powerful. With such respect comes also fear. For who would not fear a young blood Monsanto who out from nowhere, built M Conglomerate as it is today.

"Gabriella, give Sisi a break okay?" Lucy brushed her off. Gabriella glared back at her, ready for another round of whole night grumbling. Luckily to Lucy\'s relief, the girl\'s phone rang and when she saw the caller ID, she picked it up and walked to the balcony leaving her friends in the kitchen.

Now that they were free of her, Lucy saw this as an opportunity to satisfy her curiosity about Simone\'s escapade. So without warning, she dragged Simone to the second floor, threw her into her room and locked the door. She then plunged into her bed feeling every comfort by it, then rolled on her stomach a minute after as she threw her stilettos off her feet.

"Now tell me what happened?" She asked, her devious ocean blue eyes were suggesting she jumped right away to the most intricate and intimate part of the story, something that involves pure seduction.

"A \'kiss\' is what happened," Simone replied as she sat on the big red sofa near Lucy\'s bed. Red was Lucy\'s favorite and lucky color so it\'s not surprising if her room was almost all in shades of red from the bed coverings to the curtains.

"A kiss is the most boring ending for such a night of opportunity!" Lucy rolled an eye at her. She was expecting something more, something more daring than what Simone had done in the night of Feather and Hawk\'s engagement.

"On the neck…" Simone added to her answer and immediately Lucy\'s eyes glowed wild.

"Shayyyyts!" Lucy exclaimed like a wild woman. Well truth was, even though she was dubbed as the country\'s nightingale, her spirit was as dauntless and fierce as a fire phoenix. Lucy loves everything that\'s daring and that was made obvious in her fashion style. In all her appearances, she loves showing off her skin and fierce seductive look that landed her on number one of the country\'s one hundred sexiest female celebrities. "God he must have gone in famished when he caught sight of you! Good girl!"

Simone responded to Lucy\'s thrill with a smile, a forced smile actually which only ruined Lucy\'s mood.

"Sisi, your smile is very plastic. Don\'t tell me you are feeling guilty again?" She glared at her. Although Simone was determined to get back at Feather, it was obvious something was holding her back. Lucy of course understood this part of her as Simone was not the type of girl who does such outrageous things on a normal basis unlike her who certainly loves the company of men. Many men to be exact.

"I\'m just feeling bad about-"

"Nope! I\'m not going to let you finish and succumb to all these guilts again. Remember your goal and stick to it!" Lucy didn\'t give her the opportunity to change her mind, nor changed plans.

As far as the nightingale was concerned, Simone had finally decided she\'s going to seduce the great Hawk Monsanto, make him want her to the point where he couldn\'t get enough of her. Although many labelled Hawk previously as the most evasive bachelor, Lucy knew men all too well that she was aware of all their weakness. Certainly a certain Hawk Monsanto, like other men she knew was the same- they can all be tamed.

Besides, she didn\'t teach Simone how to seduce men for nothing. Over the past few months, Lucy spent a fortune to make sure Simone\'s seduction skills will land her a spot next to Hawk Monsanto, kicking Feather Han off the picture.

"Simone, remember why you are doing this," Lucy added, hitting the part in Simone\'s heart that bites so hard. "If ever there comes a time that your doubts and guilt was holding you back, just close your eyes and remember carefully why you are doing this,"

"I know Lucy. I know," Simone replied, her honey-combed eyes were glistening with tears but she\'s far too messed up to cry and admit defeat. Lucy was right, she had to remember why she was doing this if not, all her efforts, as well as Lucy\'s efforts and money will end up wasted for nothing. "I\'m doing this so that once and for all, Feather will finally realize what kind of person she is,"

When Simone uttered her recent words, her face flushed a sad one. Seeing that she was feeling lonely again, Lucy rushed to her side and gave the girl a tight hug. Simone was probably the most brightest and bravest girl Lucy had ever met in her entire life, not until Feather messed her up and ruined her for good.

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