
Chapter 156 - You Had Finally Come Home

It didn\'t take long before a chopper came and picked up both Hawk and Simione. Straightaway, the two were brought to one of the nearby hospitals and the M Conglomerate\'s president was taken to surgery right away. In the end, Simione just had to wait outside the surgery room for hours with Lucas, who came right away to make sure Hawk was well taken care of.

Of course Lucas was surprised to see Simione there as it did not occur to him that Hawk was with his woman when he went off to clear his head in the mountains. Did he call for the woman there secretly, that was why they were together? Because of his curiosity, once in a while, he took a glimpse of Simione who right then was gripping hard at the hem of her dress. Earlier, he asked someone to get her a fresh set of clothes and had her be checked by the doctors too. Since she was their President\'s woman, of course Lucas took care of her too as he knew she would be the very first thing Hawk would ask about when he wakes up. 

Lucas wanted to ask her what was going on and how his boss got hurt. However, they weren\'t particularly close as he remembered and so he was hesitating to ask her. Besides, he felt like she was not in a mood to talk about anything.

"It\'s not what you think," Simione chose to answer even when not asked because she could see that Lucas was curious. It had been a while that the man had been staring her complicatedly and she knew she wanted to inquire about how they end being together, "I went to volunteer in the village orphanage, I didn\'t expect he was there,"

Lucas just nodded at it politely. She didn\'t really have to explain anything to him as clearly he had no right to question why they were together. However, he was really wondering what happened to Hawk to make him end up severely hurt.

"May I know Miss how the president got hurt?" he couldn\'t withhold his curiosity then.

"We crossed a dangerous river. Hawk got hit by a big trunk," She narrated, taking all the guilt. If she only had been calm and rational, the man would not have ended up this bad. Why did he ever interfere in her business? Now he is severely injured.

Lucas wanted to comment more as it was very un-Hawk-like to cross a dangerous river and risk his life. Perhaps this was more to the story, reasonable enough to believe on why their President risked his precious life crossing some rivers. As he knew the man, he was always calculative about everything and the only one he wasn\'t calculative off was Feather—of course, she had been an exception to everything ever since she became their President\'s fiancée. So it was rather odd for Hawk to cross a heavy flooded river when he knew the dangers of it.

Lucas wanted to ask more but his phone rang and went to answer it. While he was onto it, he slightly turned to Simione, somewhat hesitating. "I understand," He told the other person on the other line.

"Miss, Miss Han is coming over," Lucas told her. He cannot drive the girl away and so he just told her about Feather\'s presence so she can choose for herself whether to stay and face the Han\'s Heiress or leave quietly. 

"Okay," Simione answered. She perfectly understood what Lucas meant. She had to leave or the situation would get worse. Of course, Feather will not back down when she finds out another woman was the cause of her fiancé\'s injury and with all that had happened, of course she cannot face Feather now. She had to go.

Simione slowly turned her back and left quietly. Her steps were heavy as she didn\'t want to leave Hawk at this time when there was still no assurance of how he was doing. However, Lucas had somehow managed to make her feel like she wasn\'t at all entitled to wait for him as she was not a family, more so his fiancee. For all they knew, she was just the other woman and just like all the other women in every relationship, she had to know her place. She had to leave then as the real fiancee was about to come. 

Right then, the girl felt not only guilty, but low, second rated—whatever was all that other people do called other women—a pathetic bitch with no conscience and dignity. Yup, walking away to give for Feather was like walking through a path of shame where there is no redemption. How could this hurt so bad? Didn\'t she all willingly accept all these when she planned the Feather project? How come things feel different now? It was like finally, she had woken up and got fried by the very own spot she was heating up for Feather. 

"What  happened???" Simione heard Feather\'s voice filling the other end of the room. She was already far from Lucas and when she turned to look, she saw Feather and her assistant confronting Lucas. They clearly didn\'t see her as the two seemed too uncaring to care about anything. They were here for Hawk afterall.

"I thought he went on vacation, how come he got wounded and was sent here?" Feather\'s question started hitting off one by one. Simione could see that Lucas patiently answered her but since his voice was low, she could not anymore hear it. At the end, she just watched Feather take the previous spot she was standing outside Hawk\'s surgery room and just like how she did earlier, she worried about him. 

Simione didn\'t long anymore, especially that she knew Feather was there and so she left. When she got out of the hospital, she immediately took a cab. In the car, she still couldn\'t quite get a hand of the feeling of guilt and worry.

"Feather is there, he\'ll be fine," She comforted herself. She closed her head and took in all the guilt she had on what happened, cried a little more until she realized that she was nearing the Tang\'s mansion. Knowing that she could not appear with red eyes in front of her family, she decided to fix herself up. She was told that since Lyndon was already fine and was sent to the Tang\'s mansion as per his request. The doctors were hesitant to let him leave as he had a series of therapy to go through but Madam Silicia then worked things out.  It was then decided that he can go home and have all his therapies at home. 

When she reached the Tang\'s mansion, Simione immediately headed off to Lyndon\'s room and in the hallway, she already saw a few servants flocking in his room and soon was welcomed with Lyndon\'s shouts and screams.

"Lyndon, my child, please calm down!" Madam Silicia\'s voice can be heard all over pleading with her son.

"Leave me alone! You should have just let me die!" Lyndon retorted with rage. "How could you expect me to live with this?"

"My son, please don\'t say that. If only you knew…." 

"My future is ruined now! How can I get back to the stage with this? I\'m hopeless!"

"But my son…."

Madam Silicia was crying already. Ever since Lyndon woke up, he had specially been extra hard on them. He was always throwing tantrums and was wishing death. The accident had caused him a big injury on his legs and so when he woke up, he couldn\'t make them work. He cannot walk and could not feel anything with it. This of course ruined his sanity.

Lyndon was a ballet dancer and he spent all his life chasing such a dream therefore him not being able to use his legs was very disheartening. He had a promising blooming career in London and he had sacrificed so many things for the sake of ballet already only to end up being cripple. 

"I don\'t want this life! I don\'t want to live! I don\'t want this anymore…..how could you let me live like this? Who the heck wanted to leave me like this?"

"Me….." Simione, with all her courage, appeared through the door. The sight of her of course silenced Lyndon for a second as his heart raced with his breathing. It had been a long time since they had not seen each other and their last conversation was so emotional Lydon still remembers every bit of it. Seeing the girl right then, confessing to the fact that she cannot make him die did warm his heart even when he knew he had done things that didn\'t deserve her devotion. 

"Sisi…" Lyndon spoke her name slowly. There was a part of him that had a tinge of guilt, but the bigger part inside him was specially touched to see her right then. Simione looked so beautiful then that the sight of her made him remember all those times that he spent with her. Her innocence, her kindness, her courage—those things that once made him fall in love with her came back all the sudden giving him different kinds of emotions. 

"You had finally come home," The man added as he flushed a bittersweet smile.

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