
Chapter 43

It was dusk. Gentle rays of the setting sun glowed from the other side of the mountain, dyeing the entire wood near the dormitory in scarlet and enveloping the land with motley radiance. In the B block in the boy dormitory, Ren Xiaosu woke up from his meditation after freshening up; he got dressed in the uniform and left his room.

The boys in this school wear lined, polycotton pants and lace-up shoes, all of which are colored black.

A white long-sleeved shirt was loosely hanging over their pants and covered with a simple jacket. A long tie playfully hung in the middle of their mostly buttoned-up jacket and was broadly crisscrossed in black and white.

As for the girls, they wore accordion skirts in black that reached to just above their ankles. They’re paired with knee-high socks and toe cap shoes colored in black.

Like the boy,s the girls wore long-sleeved shirts, which were usually playfully hanging over their skirts and were covered with a slim jacket. They, too wear a tie that was neatly tucked behind the middle of their often barely buttoned-up jackets and was gingerly dotted in the same colors.

All jackets have buttons with the school symbol on them and, while not mandatory, many students wear distinct accessories, sometimes somewhat as an act of defiance. The Heaven Star Academy symbol was three stars, while for the Saint Star Academy, it was two stars, and their uniform was a mix of gray and black.

Xiaosu thought that Orpheus would be in his room, but he was already waiting for him in the living room; the uniform suited him more than him.

”Good Morning Kyle.”

”Good Morning, Xiaosu,” Orpheus responded to Xiaosu’s greetings.

”Let’s go.” Orpheus didn’t waste his time and immediately suggested, Xiaosu nod before their left.

Outside, the campus was more bustling than usual, because today was the day school started, it was more crowded than usual. Many first-year students dressed in their uniforms could be seen hurrying toward the place where the opening ceremony would be held. The destination was the auditorium.

Orpheus and Xiaosu walked toward the auditorium; en route Amber and Xiaosu’s twin sister joined them; it was a strange coincidence.

”Little sister, this is Kyle Blake.”

”Kyle, this is my sister Ren Xiaowen.” Xiaosu introduced them, Orpheus nodded.

Xiaowen was shocked by Orpheus’s reaction, not only because he was handsome but because his face stayed passive when her brother introduced her, either because he knew nothing about her identity or because he didn’t give a damn about her identity as princess of the third strongest empire on the continent, Xiaowen believed that it was the latter. This guy was indifferent in front of her; she thought that as a beautiful girl whose appearance did not lose out too much to the twins’ goddesses and the Ice queen, he should at least get excited. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any of those thoughts. She was completely ignored, which hurt her pride as a woman; she wondered if she was not beautiful enough but soon shook her head.

Just as she was about to say something, her roommate said something that shocked her and her brother.

”Good Morning, master,” Amber said, and Orpheus simply nodded.

”Do you two know each other?” Xiaowen asked.

”She is my maid,” Orpheus replied before continuing.

Xiaosu nodded while his sister frowned as though she had something to add, but Orpheus ignored her.

The group arrived before a big auditorium. The group entered the auditorium.

The auditorium was a big one. It would carry up to ten thousand people. Currently, it is was brimming with people. They had around seven thousand students in here. The third-year students occupied the spot in the center, the second-year students occupied its surroundings, and the first-year students’ place was on the second floor.

The group moved to the second floor, where the first year was.

Orpheus scanned the second floor, and it did not take him too much time to find somewhere to sit. Amber immediately followed him, sitting beside him while the Ren twins sat together.

Right after the four sat, someone arrived and stood before Orpheus. Xiaosu and Xiaowen frowned when they saw this young man; they seemed to know him, and judging from their reaction, they were not fans of this man.

“Is that seat next to you taken?” the young man. He was tall as Orpheus and was handsome, with short black hair and purple eyes.

Orpheus noticed him and turned his head. Then he frowned, but this frown disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and Orpheus just smiled.

“Not at all. Feel free to sit here.” He even added shocking the other three; Amber wondered when her master had become so talkative, while Xiaosu was shocked because Orpheus seemed to have taken his words last night seriously; as for Xiaowen, she was shocked because she thought Orpheus was the silent type, rarely interact with others but it seems this assumption was wrong.

”Thank you.” The young man with purple eyes nodded and sat.

“What is your name? Which class? What is your rank?” The purple-eyed guy asked Orpheus hurriedly.

He then realized something, “Oh, that’s right. How rude of me. My name is Grim Asmodeus. I am a student of class S, and my level is 5.”

The Ren twins sighed after hearing the man’s introduction; he was the crown prince of the demon continent, Grim Asmodeus.

”Kyle Blake. S class.” Orpheus introduced himself while feeling happy inside. He still got the chance to do better this time.

Meanwhile, it was unknown why Grim got into a trance after hearing Orpheus’s name; he felt like he had heard it somewhere, but his memories were hazy; he couldn’t access them even with all the effort he made. He could only stop as he felt a headache assaulting him as he tried to search for an answer forcibly.

Grim was sure that this man wouldn’t get along with him; it was instinctive. Still, he must not show it, at least not now, until he found out the reason behind this odd feeling he got.

“So we are classmates. Let’s get along, Kyle.” Grim said while extending his hand for a handshake; Orpheus took and nodded.


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