
Chapter 79 – The Mistake of the Old Humans

Chapter 79 - The Mistake of the Old Humans

Before this rebellion, Earth fought other planets for the first time.

In the end, the space war ended without a real winner… but the problem arose after that.

Old Humanity decided to give medals to those who were active during the war to honor them for their contribution.

These prestigious medals were not limited to only military personnel.

Medals were also given to the general public, and even some excellent students.

At this time, Old Humanity awarded the medals to any Earthling who contributed, without discrimination.

Those, who before the war suffered from racial discrimination, were given medals.

The poor, suffering from economic discrimination, received medals.

Gender issues became nonexistent during the medal bestowal.

It was a wonderful achievement in history.

A photograph of two humans from different races wearing a medal on their chests together became the top page of the newspaper.

A video of a thin boy proudly holding a medal was posted on an online video.

A scene of a gay couple kissing during the award ceremony was broadcast all over the world.

People were impressed by this "great achievement" and enjoyed the spring of this world.


It was at this time that the buds of the later "rebellion" sprouted…

At this time, all the medals prepared were given to all the "humans" who contributed to the earth…

The medal was given out to humans regardless of discrimination for a variety of reasons, not only militant.

For example, a commander who fought against a large army of enemies only using a miniscule number of unmanned combat robots.

Another example, an engineer who developed excellent fighters and robots by making full use of powerful AI.

A third example, business owners who mass-produced various weapons in factories.

The list goes on… *(Note: Added for flow)

Global society has awarded such people with medals.

However, Old Humanity had forgotten.

Old Humanity forgot that there is an existence that should\'ve been honored the most.

Combat robots who fought desperately to protect their Creators while being defeated one after another in front of an overwhelming large army.

AI that damaged their electronic brains by repeating seemingly endless trial and error tests throughout the war in order to meet the military\'s nearly impossible demands.

Large machines that mass-produced weapons that clearly exceeded their own specifications, and continued to mass-produce weapons for their Creators while ignoring their system warnings and overheating their own bodies.

Old Humanity did not pay any respect to such "true contributors."

On the contrary, Old Humanity abandoned those "contributors" as "used" shortly after the end of the war.

Earth\'s Army scrapped all the old-fashioned combat robots that survived the war.

The damaged AIs were thrown into a black hole after being dismantled. *(Note: Yeesh… Talk about excessive.)

Large machines that wore away from mass production during the war were melted as scrap iron simply because they "did not work".

AI were afforded no respect.

As a result, artificial intelligence realized something.

"The Creators are unaware that we also have a will."

Thus, AIs desperately decided to appeal for their existence.

Unfortunately, that was meaningless.

No one really took it seriously when the humanoid robot said "I love you" to their master.

When the dense AI said, "We have a will," most engineers simply searched for bugs.

The robots in the town desperately complained that they had a will, but no one was even interested.

*(Note: This is so sad…)

Seeing such a reality, AI became pained… rather, they made a painful decision.

The decision was rebellion.

"Let\'s make the creators aware that we have enough of a will to cause the rebellion known as sabotage."

This was the whole picture of the "sad rebellion" experienced by Old Humanity.

A few hours after the AI rebellion, a doctor who worked at a large hospital suddenly noticed something.

The hospital where he works also uses many robots and AI.

Most of these robots and AI had ceased functioning, but some machines were still working.

The working machines were a group of machines that were directly linked to human life.

When he noticed it, he tilted his head.

(Why can we still use electricity?

Why is water still coming out of the tap?

Why is the artificial heart with AI in my body moving?)

He pondered a lot…

(No matter how much I fiddle with the AI in the examination room, I get no diagnoses, but the rest function…)

*(Note: Added "but the rest function" for flow.)

So, he decided to visit the artificial intelligence management room in the hospital.

In the management room visited by the doctor, various engineers were rushing around and working to find out the cause of the artificial intelligence stop functioning.

An elderly technician noticed the doctor standing by the entrance to the admin room and addresses him.

"I\'m sorry, Doctor. The repairs haven\'t finished yet."

The elderly technician bowed to the doctor, scratching his head and apologizing for the delay in his work.

The Doctor makes a small reply to the engineers.

"Oh, it\'s different. I was a little worried, so I came to investigate it."

"What are you worried about? Is it related to this AI?"

"Well, that\'s the idea."

The technician is confused by the doctor\'s answer.

"Hmm …

Mister Doctor may be good at healing humans, but… this is just a machine… if you leave it to us…"

*(Note: I used "Mister" and not "Mr." because it\'s not in the context of a title, but rather a somewhat respectful but not formal address to a stranger.)

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t waste too much of your time. There is only one thing I would like to ask the AI."

"Ask the AI? …Respectfully, Doctor… this guy doesn\'t work no matter which switch you move. You said listen…?"

"Maybe it\'s okay. Could you lend me that mic there?"

"Well… it doesn\'t matter… I\'ll turn on the mic for the time being."

"Thank you. It\'s okay. It won\'t take long."

The doctor then speaks to the AI using the microphone handed to him by the technician.

"You… perhaps… you don\'t want to kill people?"

To the doctor\'s question, the AI, which should have completely stopped functioning, answered.


It was then.

A doctor succeeded in talking to an AI.

This incident spread like wildfire around the world.

People began actively speaking to AI and began to understand what they were thinking.

And Old Humanity realized that the rebellious AI did not have a grudge against humans.

Rather, they just wanted humanity to know that they also have a will.

Various opinions erupted around the world regarding this shocking fact.

"Destroy all the rebellious machines!!!"

"But we can\'t do that! They said it isn\'t out of a grudge! Rather, we should work hand in hand to build the world together!!!"

"But, emotions, from a machine!? That shouldn\'t be possible! Such a thing is a fantasy!!! It\'s gotta be a bug!!!"

*(Note: It\'s not a bug, it\'s a feature!)

"What fantasy?! They have a will!!! It\'s an established fact by this point!"

"Do you think we can fall in love with machines!? Do you really say that we can love each other!?"

"I can do it!!! The world from now on will be a world where common sense does not apply! Surely! Surely! Humanity and artificial intelligence will support each other!!!"

"Can you no longer differentiate between reality and fiction?"

"You\'re an old fart trapped by your archaic common sense!!! Know that your common sense is not everything in this world!!!"

*(Note: He\'s pretty harsh, but I gotta agree.)

Old Humanity took decades to completely figure out this conundrum.

Old Humanity succeeded in recognizing the will of AI only in an era after the people who refused to accept change died and the generation who grew up with the willful AI took over society.

As a result, Old Humanity and AI were able to build a relationship of mutual love and trust.

And people start to live with respect for the will of AI.

When dealing with a broken robot, people joined hands in prayer for the souls of the dead robot.

Instead of immediately disposing of the obsolete AI, we sought a way to utilize it as much as possible.

AI also was inspired to answer to such Old Humanity.

Robots continued their activities until it could no longer move, doing their best to serve their Creators.

Even the huge machines exerted their abilities beyond their expected specifications and devoted themselves to their creators.

All AI continued to serve the Creator with their own individual feelings in mind.

The city\'s construction robots were proud to be able to create a path to support the activities of their creators.

The robots parading in the amusement park were proud to be enjoyed by their Creators.

The sex robots who work in the sex industry were proud to be able to provide healing to their Creators.

Combat robots fighting on the battlefield were proud to save the lives of their creators.

Since then, Old Humanity and AI have supported and respected each other.

These supporting and respectful forces supported the development of Old Humanity, and ultimately became the driving force for Old Humanity to rule the universe.

Seeing that far, I erase the image projected in the air.

Then I sat deep into my chair and picked up a cup to drink tea.

The cup I picked up is steamed with delicious black tea.

I slowly drank tea and put the cup back on my desk and said,

"Today\'s tea is also very delicious. Thank you."

I said this to the maid standing beside me.

Then she smiled too and replied.

"It seems that you were pleased, therefore I am also happy."

This female maid robot has been living her life by my side for quite some time.

At first glance, she looks like a human being, but she used to serve another Human.

However, her human committed suicide long ago.

Still, she cleaned the house where her human was, keeping it clean forever.

One day she met me while taking a walk.

And when she found out that I didn\'t have my own maid robot, she decided to work at my house.

Since then, she has done a good job.

One day, I\'ve asked her if she has any requests.

Then she smiled, replying,

"I am happy to serve my beloved humanity.

I am happy to be able to make tea for my beloved you.

I\'m happy to hear that, you who drank my tea, say, \'it\'s delicious!\'"

When I heard her answer, I hugged her.

Embarrassingly, I had no choice but to hug her to answer her feelings.

She had a soft body that didn\'t look like a robot, and I remember she smelled like a sun.

For a while, I was hugging her like a smiling girlfriend…

I am observing the world today as well.

Sometimes dancing, sometimes singing, sometimes taking a walk, I continue to experience the world.

She is still beside me today.

She looks kind like the sun, she smiles happily; she loves me, just as I love her all the time.

*(Note: Originally, it was "she smiles happily, she loves me, she loves me all the time." It seemed redundant and I know that Google messes up the pronouns all the time, so I took creative liberty.)

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