
Chapter 522

I’m beginning to grasp the allure of having attractive guards by one’s side, a preference that Esmeralda seems to enjoy! Personally, I’d lean towards having a line of sturdy individuals, adorned in that formidable armor. I envision them dressing akin to the Mushroom Knight, and…

Unbeknownst to others, a lofty ambition had taken root in Mia’s heart!

“Lady Mia!”

Anne, along with the others, awaited outside upon learning of Mia’s imminent return. The moment Mia came into view, Anne hurried towards her.

“Are you well? No injuries, I hope?!”

Anne’s concern was evident as she gazed directly at Mia. Out of consideration for the two noble girls, Anne abstained from the horseback ride that Mia undertook. Though she still had Citrina and Bel with her, it seemed to weigh on her conscience that she wasn’t with Mia in a potentially perilous situation. At least, that’s what Mia assumed. Trying to reassure her maid, she gave a confident nod.

“Thank you, Anne. I’m perfectly fine. No need to worry.”

Interestingly, not a single scratch marked Mia’s head from the encounter with branches. Mia was a prodigy; her Diamond Head was not easily marred. Just as her head was filled with dried shiitake mushrooms, it exhibited their characteristic firmness—she wasn’t just Diamond-Headed, she was Dried-Mushroom-Headed!

“I didn’t fall off a horse or anything of the sort! Everything went smoothly. Don’t you think so, Miss Rafina?” Mia glanced at her companion.

“Y-Yes. You’re absolutely right.”

Rafina responded with a nervous nod. So, this is how the misleading image of the Great Wisdom of the Empire spreads. The realization didn’t fill Rafina’s chest with astonishment; rather, she was preoccupied with feelings of pure admiration. Mia is truly remarkable, taking such care to alleviate Anne’s unnecessary concerns!

And thus, the distorted image took shape. Well, anyway…

“So? What harm did those bandits inflict on us?”

Mia turned towards Ludwig and Dion, who were right behind Anne in welcoming her return. Catching her gaze, Dion shrugged slightly in response. “The Princess Guard didn’t engage in battle at all. It turned out to be a minor skirmish between the bandits and the Equestri forces.”

“I see. A skirmish…”

Mia expressed her satisfaction with a nod. Malong had referred to a member of the gang as a “cousin,” suggesting that the Equestris were likely making efforts to minimize damages. Perhaps Malong had issued such an order himself.

It appeared that their gang had been on the move with the intention of looting, showing a reluctance to engage in combat unless necessary. Mia recalled the bandits’ previous attack, noting how they retreated when Sunkland troops arrived. If not for their honor, the bandits would undoubtedly have suffered considerable harm—or so Mia believed!

Having Dion with them ensured assured victories, but for the sake of her own mental well-being, Mia felt the need to keep him in check. She simply couldn’t muster the mentality to celebrate victories while standing amidst a river of blood flowing from the corpses of her enemies. Just the thought sent shivers down her spine.

“Your Highness, who are the man and young woman behind you?” Ludwig inquired, focusing on Malong and the girl he had brought with him.

“The girl is one of the bandits. I haven’t had the chance to introduce him, but the man has taken excellent care of me in the Horsemanship Club. His name is—”

“It’s Lin Malong. Nice to meet you,” Malong interjected.

“I see. The pleasure is mine. I’m Ludwig Hewitt. Thank you for watching over Her Highness when I couldn’t,” Ludwig said, offering a calm smile. “The horsemanship skills you’ve taught her have saved her in the past. There are no words to express my deep gratitude.”

While Ludwig bowed deeply, Dion’s attention was elsewhere. “So, this girl’s with the bandits, huh?”

Noticing Dion’s scrutiny, the girl turned away. “Please don’t frighten her too much, Dion,” Mia intervened. “Your bloodlust can be quite unsettling.”

Startled, the girl jumped. “Dion… You don’t mean Dion Alaia, do you?” Her wide eyes were fixed on Dion, and the color drained from her cheeks.

“Oh? You’ve heard of me before?” Dion grinned, causing the girl to let out a small “Eek!” and seek refuge behind Malong.

“Dion…” Mia grumbled.

“All I did was smile at her!”

“Far too aggressively!”

Not only had Dion’s smiling antics dislodged Mia’s brain from her consciousness in the past, but they had also figuratively removed her head from her neck. With this history in mind, Mia let out a sigh before continuing.

“In any case, I think it’s best to extract the details of our situation from her.”

“I see… In that case, I’d be happy to take on the responsibility,” Ludwig offered with an audacious grin, met by Mia’s saccharine smile.

“Oho ho! There’s no need for you to go through the trouble. I’ll be questioning her myself.”

Dion’s eyes twinkled in amusement at Mia’s response. “Ha! So, the princess is going to do the interrogating herself.”

He cast another glance at the young bandit, prompting another small shriek. It affirmed Mia’s suspicion that she might get along well with this girl.

“I mentioned earlier that these guys are…” Mia reassured Malong with a calming smile. “There’s nothing to worry about! There’s absolutely no need to resort to something as…barbaric…as torture!”

After giving a self-affirming nod, Mia turned to Anne. “Anne, could you prepare my secret weapons? The ones I acquired in Sunkland.”

“Oh, yes! Right away!”

For a brief moment, hesitation clouded Anne’s face, but almost immediately, she rushed back toward the carriages. Mia once again addressed the young bandit, saying, “We’re about to have a wonderfully delightful tea party. I hope you’re looking forward to it!”

Mia’s face lit up with a wide grin.

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