
Chapter 65

Alex was feeling a bit drowsy but this was still within the range of what he can handle . He even lasted three days without sleeping, and that was while he was in enemy territory, so this shouldn’t affect him much, or so he thought .

Though Alex can stay awake and move about, but he couldn’t stop his fatigue from showing . Alex’s eyes were red, and his body felt a bit sluggish, his ability to think straight was reduced but not too much . When Alex was getting ready to take a bath, so he opened his closet to get a change of clothes, but when he did so he suddenly evaded to the right . Something flew past him from above, and without missing a beat Alex raised his right hand to block an incoming kick aimed at his head .

The kick was so strong it made Alex skid a few meters . Alex’s reaction time was slower than usual, so he couldn’t initiate a counter, but he already knew who the person attacking him was .

Alex looked at the happily smiling face of a man with blue eyes, and dyed blond hair . There was no greetings between them, the man simply continued to attack Alex, and Alex continued to evade and block . Finally noticing Alex’s sluggish movements, Dan stopped attacking .

"What the hell happened to you? How can my very own disciple become this weak? Your breathing is all over the place, your muscles seem tenser than usual, and your reactions speed has slow down by twenty percent since I last saw you . Did leaving the battlefield turn you into a weakling? How can I allow you to protect my daughter if you’re like that? Do I need to retrain you in the basics?"

Dan couldn’t believe his greatest student would become this weak . He had fought Alex’s other instructors, and there where three of them that Dan could never beat . Yet Alex this student of his had fought them using their specialty to a standstill . Even he himself had barely won against Alex when they had fought unarmed, Alex would have won if they fought with everything they had, that was how much of a monster Alex was, and that monster of a student who was standing before him, was becoming weak and frail .

While Dan was lecturing Alex, he finally noticed that Alex was showing signs of sleep deprivation . "Huh? What’s this, you couldn’t sleep Alex? Why? Are you that worried about me meeting my family? Or . . . Alex I’ll tell you this now, I treat you like you’re one of my sons but . . . "

Killing intent suddenly filled the room, Alex could feel Dan’s fighting spirit rising . This instructor of his was about to get serious . At Alex’s current state he would only be able to last about thirty moves, before Dan could kill him, that is if they fight unarmed .

The only chance of victory Alex has was if he could get the gun hidden underneath his bed . ’Wait what was I thinking? Was I actually thinking of killing Instructor Dan? Actually why is he acting this way?’

Alex started to become confused by his current predicament . Dan on the other hand spoke in a low voice, as if threatening Alex .

"Even if it’s you Alex, I wont give my daughter to you!" Even though Dan couldn’t remember much about his daughter, since he had amnesia, yet he still retained the feelings of a father . When he saw the picture of his family, he was sure that Rachel with her looks would gather a bunch of flies .

"Alex I know my daughter is very beautiful, cute, smart, elegant, amazing, and everything awesome in the world, so I was sure a bunch of flies would gather . " Dan looked at Alex and thought ’So are you one of those flies?’

Alex couldn’t concentrate on what Dan was saying, since he hadn’t slept, coupled with the anxiety he has about the meeting between father and daughter . Alex right now was truly at his weakest, he even consumed a bit of his stamina fighting Dan, so right now Alex could only understand bits and pieces of what Dan was saying .

In Alex’s ears all he heard where the words a bunch of flies, gathering around Rachel . "Don’t worry Instructor, even flies wont be able to get near Rachel . " Alex looked at Dan with a serious face .

Dan was overwhelmed by Alex’s answer and the look of determination he was showing .

’WOAH there, is Alex seriously telling me that he will eliminate all the flies, so he will be the only one for Rachel? . . . Well this is Alex were talking about, so he just might have took what I said literally . . . Still he has been with my lovely daughter for a week now, that’s enough for any man to fall in love with her, no that’s enough time for any man to be obsessed with her . ’

Dan couldn’t understand what Alex truly felt about his daughter . He has known Alex for eight years now, and he was sure that this boy in front of him was anything but normal . So most of the time, he wasn’t sure if his feelings, and thoughts where the same as most people .

So the only way to confirm his feelings was to ask him directly . . . Still if Dan did that and Alex answers with an affirmative, Dan might accidentally kill Alex . If Alex was in his normal state, even if Dan goes on a berserker like rage, Alex would’ve calmly dealt with it, but now he wasn’t in the state to be able to do that .

Alex on the other hand was losing consciousness every now and then . If Dan didn’t attack him, and if he wasn’t forced to use up much of his adrenaline, Alex would have been fine . With all of the factors, of anxiety, sleep deprivation, and loss of stamina, Alex was at the edge of losing consciousness .

Dan clenched his fist and finally decided to ask Alex the question he wanted to ask since awhile ago .

"Alex do you like my daughter?"

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