
Chapter 331

"Why are you hesitating? I know you play chess, so don’t try to fool me . " Richter frowned while looking at Evangeline who was simply standing there .

"I’m sorry Sir Richter, but why do you want to play chess? Shouldn’t you be preparing for the party instead?" Evangeline tried to change the topic, but to her disappointment Richter didn’t take the bait .

"You don’t have to worry about that, my subordinates will handle the preparations for the party, and as for why I want to play chess, well it’s so that I can learn more about you . Seeing as you are a candidate for becoming my future in-law, getting to understand you better is a must, and for me playing chess would achieve that goal . "

It doesn’t seem like Evangeline had a choice in the matter, so she carried her chair to the front of the desk and sat down . Richter who saw her reluctance with playing chess with him, had a devious looking smile on his face .

"Hmmm, it seems like even if we do play you won’t take this seriously . . . So how about we have a wager to make things more interesting . If you are somehow able to win against me, I will release all of your friends, and I’ll even let my grandson go with you . Now if you lose, hmmm, I wonder what should I get if you lose . . . I can’t really think of anything right now, so I’ll put a pin on that . I guess what I’ll gain and what you’ll lose will depend on how well you play the game . If you turn out to be unsatisfactory, then expect what will be taken from you will be something dear . So now that the wager has been set, which do you want to use, the black or white pieces . "

Richter was smiling kindly at Evangeline, but all she felt was enormous pressure looking at that smile of his . It was obvious that she couldn’t escape playing with him . It would’ve been alright to play with him, and lose, if she knew what she needed to pay if she lost . Though the prize for winning was extremely tempting, Evangeline knew that nothing was so simple . She wasn’t even sure if she could beat Richter in a game of chess .

’Damn it, if only I knew what he wanted from me if I lose . Still victory and defeat haven’t been decided yet there is a chance I could win . . . Tsk, I hope that those guys were able to properly find this place . ’

"Very well Sir Richter, I would love to play a game of chess with you . " Evangeline showed a smile that masked the anxiety and inner turmoil she was having deep inside .

"Good, so white or black?"

"I’ll go with white, I hope you don’t mind . "

"Very well, then let’s begin the game . " Richter took out a chess clock and it was set at fifteen minutes for each side .

Evangeline quickly moved a piece e4, then Richter respond with e5 . Nf3, Nf6, Nxe5, d6, Nxf7 . Evangeline couldn’t believe she was able to use the Cochrane Gambit on Richter . Since the beginning of the game the two of them had exchanged moves almost instantly, but this time Richter didn’t quickly respond to Evangeline’s move and instead spoke to her .

"The Cochrane Gambit, a very aggressive chess opening . I can now see a bit of what kind of commander you are . Usually the one using the Cochrane Gambit would expect his opponent to take the knight using the king . Yet of course going against that flow is another strategy . "

’So he allowed me, no, he made me use the Cochrane Gambit . Even so if he won’t take the knight, I would be able to take either his queen or rook . " Evangeline didn’t know what Richter could be planning, so she decided to simply counter him depending on what she saw next . In her mind surely after a few moves, Richter’s plans would be clearer to see .

"You see, I believe that a great king that has pawns to use shouldn’t move about . Instead he should order his pawns in such a way that they could handle those minor inconveniences with ease . Sacrificing himself for his king is also a very noble way of a pawn . "

Richter finally moved a piece and it was Be7 . This one move confused Evangeline a bit, it was obvious that Richter planned to take her knight after she takes the queen . It was also possible that he was pushing her to take the queen by using that move, and won’t expect her to take the rook instead . No, it was entirely possible that everything was a feint and he really planned to make her take the rook .

Evangeline who was so sure that she would take the queen moments ago, couldn’t do so . as she started to overthink . The way Richter spoke, the things he said, and the pressure he gave off by simply sitting there, made it even harder to think of what was truly the right move .

Evangeline finally noticed that she was taking too much time in thinking of which one to take, and quickly picked one .

’Damn it!’ Evangeline quickly move her knight, NxQd8 . After she moved and took the queen Evangeline was so sure that her knight would be taken by the bishop, but instead, Richter made a different move . 0-0 Richter did castling on the king’s side .

Evangeline who was now a bit short on time had no time to be confused by this move of Richter’s and quickly moved her knight, Nxb7 . Richter smiled when he saw how Evangeline moved her pieces and once again took some time to talk before making his move .

"I can now see a bit deeper into what kind of commander you are . It would seem that you tend to overthink things . Planning for every step, and having multiple contingency plans . For example this tracking device that was found inside of you . " Richter showed a small object that he was holding in his finger to Evangeline . When Evangeline saw what it was, she was shocked but she didn’t show it on her face . That was the tracking device she swallowed before she was captured, that was suppose to help her squad to find out where the HQ of the Shadow Mercenaries was hidden .

"You see, planning too much and heading straight forward without looking back is great, but against an opponent like me, you’re just asking to be used . " Richter crushed the already deactivated tracking device and made his move .


Evangeline who was even more anxious, now that her tracking device was found, finally noticed what was happening on the board . Even though she had captured more units of Richter’s and she was literally ahead in points, but the position of the pieces showed that Richter was in control of everything .

Evangeline bit her lower lip in frustration, finally showing a different emotion on her face . Seeing her discomfort made Richter smile even wider .

"Your poker face has finally broken down . I guess overall you were pretty good . So let’s continue the game and see what happens . Depending on your performance from here on out, will be what determines what I will ask once you lose . "

Richter was now basically telling Evangeline that no matter what she did, losing was inevitable . Evangeline continued the game and tried her very best, but she fell deeper and deeper into Richter’s traps .

Until the final moments of the game Richter was in full control, Evangeline stood no chance . It was already over once it started .

"Victory is mine, now I wonder what I should ask for . Hmm, seeing that you played better than I expected, I guess, I won’t take anything from you . . . Well it’s not like you have anything I want . " Evangeline who was a bit tense while waiting for what Richter was going to say finally eased up when he heard what Richter said .

Evangeline was then about to respond, but felt something pricked her neck and she fell unconscious . Richter sighed as he looked at Evangeline who was easily hit by a tranquilizer dart .

’This one is indeed smarter and more cautious than the other girl, but she’s incredibly weak . Both of them have their merits and demerits . . . Well Alex can have them both, I’m sure one of them will be able to give birth to a great Greyhound . ’

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