
Chapter 394

Alex could somehow feel the ground beneath his feet felt like it had a beating heart . He could also somehow hear something whispering in the wind . It felt like he was becoming one with the various elements in the world . It was like he could perceive something more, something unknown . He wasn’t sure but he felt that there was a deeper meaning to what he was feeling right now . He wanted to know more about this new condition of his, but as he was thinking about what to do next, two more plant monsters emerged from the base .

’That’s right there were five inner gardens in that base!’ Alex couldn’t help but shout in his mind . The plant monsters were heading towards them, but as they approached, something weird happened . Rachel who was silent all this while suddenly charged forward . Alex and the others were surprised to see her do this .

Alex was quick to react as he wanted to support Rachel, but then he felt something was weird . Rachel was emitting steam, with his enhance eyesight Alex could see that the steam was coming from the pores on Rachel’s skin .

Rachel who was literally steaming right now was face to face with one of the plant monsters . She then went into a fighting stance . As she was about to punch the plant monster, Alex wanted to stop her but then he saw something amazing happen next .

Rachel’s body was suddenly covered in flames, her hands her legs were emitting heat that was above the flamethrower Alex used to kill the first plant monster . He wasn’t even that close to Rachel but he could still feel the heat she was emitting . Alex who could somehow sense the origin of Rachel’s flames knew that the flames Rachel was emitting were not similar to the flames you create when you light a match .

The plant monster who was about to entangle Rachel with its vines, had its vines burn before they could even reach Rachel . Seeing what happened to the vines, the plant monster wanted to retreat but Rachel was faster, as she was able to stop the plant monster with a punch .

Rachel’s fist had pierced through the plant monster, as its final struggle the plant monster tried to devour Rachel, but before it could do anything Rachel’s flames burst forth enveloping it . The intensity of the flames was able to devour the plant monster whole until it turned into nothing more than ashes blown away by the wind .

After that was done Alex wanted to ask Rachel what happened to her, but then he stopped and turn to look behind him . Unlike the intense heat, Rachel emitted this time Alex felt a biting cold from behind him . When he looked he saw that the other plant monster was slowly being encased in ice .

Alex and the others forgot about the other plant monster as they were distracted by Rachel’s abnormality . This time it was Evangeline who was showcasing her new ability . Evangeline was holding onto one of the plant monster’s vines as it started to freeze .

Evangeline was like Rachel also emitting something supernatural . The area around her was turning into ice, and she herself was exuding an aura of below zero temperature . Once she was done freezing the plant monster, she gently tapped on the ice-encased plant monster breaking it apart .

After that, the freezing aura Evangeline was emitting disappeared . Alex then looked at Rachel who was approaching him and noticed that the burning feeling she was releasing was no longer there .

The first to react to this new piece of information was, of course, the most excited one in the group Emily .

"WHAT WAS THAT?! That was awesome! Did you guys gain superpowers, or did you two turn into magical girls?! So how did you guys know that you’re able to do that?! Can I do it too, or is my ability going to be different?" Emily started to cling onto Rachel and Evangeline as she excitedly asks numerous questions .

"I don’t understand it myself, using this new ability felt really natural . It’s’ like when you use your eyes to see things, you don’t actually need to fully understand how your eyes work to be able to use them . It’s that kind of feeling . " Rachel answered while trying to think of a better way to explain her current situation .

"As for me, at first it felt like my insides were about to start to freeze over . I had this overwhelming feeling that I want to freeze something, and after I did so, this unknown power was able to seemingly calm down . After calming down a bit, I could somehow understand some basic things regarding the ability simply by feeling it . " Evangeline gave her own take on the subject .

"So it’s all about feeling, then I just need to concentrate and I’ll get to see what kind of superpower I got . I hope to get something like black flames from hell, or a power that lets me summon spirits . I’ll even gladly take a power that makes me transform into a magical girl!" Emily was getting excited by the second .

"I wonder what my ability will be like . . . Please, please, please, let it be something cool . " Oliver started to pray, even though he was acting like the old James Bourne while battling inside the base, once he saw the world changing before his eyes he reverted into being the old Oliver Minx .

As everyone was getting excited to know what kind of power they had, Alex felt something was weird . Based on what he saw and what he heard from Rachel and Evangeline’s explanation, they only had one ability . Yet Alex felt like he could do something similar to what Rachel and Evangeline did albeit a weaker version .

"I think I could also do the same thing as Rachel and Evangeline . . . I’m not sure but I think I can also summon flames and ice, but relatively weaker than those shown by Rachel and Evangeline . Actually, I feel like I could also use the earth and the wind as well . " Kei chimed in, and what he said surprised everyone else, but Alex the most . He and Kei had a similar feeling, but what did that mean?

Alex wasn’t able to continue processing this new piece of information, as he noticed that the fight between the giant snake and the large plant monster was ending . The giant snake was able to devour the plant monster whole, and once it was done killing it, the giant snake once again shifted its attention towards Alex’s group .

Unlike a while ago when they didn’t know what to do with the giant snake, Rachel and Evangeline bravely step forward in front of Alex .

"What are you guys doing?" Alex looked at the two with confusion and worry . The two girls nodded at each other and then smiled at Alex .

"I won’t always be your damsel in distress . So stay there and watch me deal with the problem . " After Rachel said that she activated her ability and covered herself with flames .

"She’s right, please let us do this . " Evangeline agreed with Rachel as she too activated her ability, making her body emit an ice-cold aura, and on her left hand, she created a pseudo-sword made of pure hardened ice .

"This time it’s our turn to protect you!" The two girls who love Alex so much, spoke in sync, as they happily faced the enemy before them .

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