
Chapter 42: The Royal Family Curse 1

Chapter 42: The Royal Family Curse 1

Translator: Masakibluei

Lafissel’s smile can immediately makes you feel disgusted. However, because of his good looks, his whole appearance is unexpectedly perfect to be manifested into a lovely painting. Is this what people often say that you will be forgiven for everything if you are good looking? After all, Lafissel is a pretty man with golden hair and blue eyes. He does not resemble Agriel at all.

His long straight hair is loosely grouped together and flowing to one side. Despite his slender physical build, his body frame looks firm. He does not look like a delicate pretty man. In addition, the fact that his smile has just started to deteriorate at this point has made up my mind that his level of wickedness is unfathomable.

Lafissel: “Fufufu……I didn’t think that it would be like this.”

Lafissel who is sitting on the sofa finally lays down his body, crosses his leg, and laughs like he is having fun.

Lafissel: “The rumors good enough up until now, isn’t it?”

Ellen: “Isn’t this was your Majesty’s intention since the beginning? The Queen should have discussed this with you first before she started to spread a rumor about another aristocrat family. Since you didn’t stop her, it means that you are also deliberately spreading the rumors. “

When I retort back to him, Lafissel seems to be really happy and grinning broadly.

Lafissel: “Hey, Ellen, would you like to be my daughter?”

Laffissel’s abrupt bombshell remark makes both Father and I lose for words.

Rovel: “Your Majesty! I have told you that I wish Your Majesty will restrain yourself from making any contact with my family!!”

Lafissel: “Hee? But such an intelligent child like her……is second to none. I really want her.”

Ellen: “I would like to reject the offer. My father is only Father!”

I tighten my hug around Father’s neck and Father starts to raise his voice while being emotional.

Rovel: “Ellen!! You are so cute, cute, cute.”

As Lafissel sees Father who makes me feel inconvenient by grinding his head to me, Lafissel lets out a sigh.

Lafissel: “Ah- so this is the true face of the Hero. I feel sad for my sons.”

Rovel: “I don’t care.”

Father does not care if people feel disillusion when they see his true self. When Lafissel sees the lack of expression on his face, he spontaneously laughs.

Lafissel: “Never mind. Shall we at least introduce them to each other?”

Rovel: “No, thank you.”

Lafissel: “Someone! Call the princes to come here!”

The knights who are standing by the door, answer Lafissel’s call right away.

Laffisel: “Ellen, I’m sure you will like them. Both of my sons have outstanding brain and appearance. They are quite popular among the noble ladies. “

Ellen: “Aren’t those ladies just being attracted by the Prince’s parents, appearance, money, and authorities? “

I tilt my head down and throw Lafissel off with a witty remark. Because of that, Lafissel cannot bear to hold on and burst into a big laughter.

Lafissel: “That might be so. Their parents might hold those kinds of intentions. But the young ladies themselves are different. They are genuinely idolizing my sons. “

Ellen: “If they are very popular, then I’m not interested. Father, let’s go home!”

Rovel: “You are right.”

Lafissel: “……Rovel, what the heck is actually your daughter. “

Lafissel cannot help but to let out a sigh since Ellen was able to refute all of his remarks.

Rovel: “Your Majesty won’t ever be able to win against my daughter. Even I as her parents cannot ever win against her. “

At first, Lafissel thinks that Rovel is joking and tries to laugh it off. However, Ellen’s manner of speaking and words really cutting deep into his guts. When he was conversing with Rovel’s daughter just a moment ago, he could feel that she is extremely intelligent with a mind like an adult. Moreover, due to the blood of the spirit that is flowing in her vein, as well as her ability to counter arguments with him, makes him feel the strong urge to acquire her at all cost for the sake of the country.

If other nations know that Rovel’s daughter has spirit blood in her, without a doubt they will fight to get her. Before that happens, no matter what, Lafissel wants to get her first. For this reason, he made a plot to force a match between Ellen and his sons. However, in contrast to his expectation, things beyond his imagination arise one after another.

Lafissel: “Ellen, I hope that my sons will be able to fit into your preference. “

Ellen: “Outstanding appearance and so forth. I am used to seeing outstanding beauties like Father and Mother. I think it will be difficult to pass my standard. Furthermore, for us, the Royal family is……”

At the moment when I am about to start speaking the crucial part, suddenly the imperial knights announce the arrival of the princes. The interruption makes me shut my mouth. I regret that I did not speak out about it before the princes were called into the room.

Laffisel: “Aa, come in.”

“Father, excuse me.”

“Excuse me.”

The two princes who come into the room in a sharp manner. When they look in our direction, their eyes widen in surprise.

Laffisel: “The older one is Gadriel and the younger one is Rasuel. My sons, this gentleman is Rovel the Hero and his daughter Ellen. “

As Laffisel introduce them, the two of them bow down in unison. Previously, I had already seen them at Sauvell’s wedding, so I had recognized them already. Compare to that time, the current situation is completely different. This time the two princes personally meet the Hero in a close contact which makes them feel really excited. Their cheeks also turn red from the excitement.

Father breathes out in a solemn manner after putting me down. Then he replies to the courtesy and humbly introduces himself as “My name is Rovel Vankriff.”

Soon after, I also introduce myself in a ladylike manner, “I’m his daughter, Ellen.”

Gadriel: “My name is Gadriel Lal Tenmark. It’s my honor to meet the Hero.”

Rasuel: “My name is Rasuel Lal Tenmark. Aaa, are you really that famous Hero!?”

The younger prince is particularly taking a lot of glances at Father. Being able to see the Hero from the fantastic tales that people often talk about is like a dream come true.

Gadriel: “Hey, Rasuel. You are being rude.”

Rasuel: “A, I’m sorry.”

From the way the older prince scolds his younger brother, they seem to have a good relationship.

On the opposite, despite their charming attitude, I look terrified of them. The two princes really inherited a lot of traits from Laffisel. The spirit’s curse that falls onto them are very strong which surges out and overwhelm their surrounding.

Rovel: “Ellen?”

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