
Chapter 248 - 247 - Chaos In The Rustlands(Part 8)

Chapter 248 - 247 - Chaos In The Rustlands(Part 8)

Point-of-View: Prato Cichudde


"Damn it, what do we do!?" Exclaimed Arts, as he and I evaded the attacks of Riefe\'s body.

"We...we have to kill it. Riefe is gone...," I replied through gritted teeth.

"I know...I know that you\'re right, but...," He responded with a conflicted look on his face.

I understood what he was saying...but...if we don\'t...I bit down on my lip to calm myself as much as possible, sprang back while taking aim, a sense of anguish going through my chest as I fired out a powerful heat beam at his head, which scorched off the top of his head, the body collapsing onto the ground limply.

"Hm, not bad, that is an impressive attack," Remarked Hacte Routh, approaching us with a smirk.

"You...you\'ll pay for that, you bastard!" I snapped as rage burst out through my body, and I shot towards him with Mana charging into my hands.

As I closed in, he swung his claws at me, glazing my cheek as I narrowly evaded it, before firing a heat beam up at him, he swiftly ducked backwards to evade it, my attack grazing the tip of one of his horns, before he sprang back. His eyes then widened as Arts swooped down at him with a yell of fury, he crossed his arms defensively as Arts drove the metal claws on his feet towards him.

Hacte managed to deflect them with small bursts of wind from his hands, but they left gashes on his forearms. But it was obvious to me...that Arts only landed his strike because Hacte hadn\'t been fighting us seriously.

"Well, it would seem that the two of you have some level of skill, but now I will take this more seriousl-...," He began, before trailing off and looking upwards, a smirk appearing on his face, "Actually, you are in luck, I will no longer fight you. I have no interest in such weaklings anyway, I will go look for a stronger opponent."

What? Why is he-...my eyes widened as I saw what was above...a dark cloud...

"Huh!? Where do you think you\'re going-!?" Exclaimed Arts, starting to go after him.

"Arts, above you!" I interrupted with a yell...but it was too late.

The Demon enveloped him and went into his body before he could react, before plummeting down towards the ground. I sprinted and jumped forward to catch him, just before he could crash down. This can\'t be happening...that bastard, Hacte Routh, where is he!? Damn it, I don\'t see him anywhere...he must have slipped away...I swear, I\'ll find and kill him for this...

Please, Arts, resist the Demon, because otherwise, I-...I shook my head to keep myself from thinking about it, before laying him down on the ground and standing up. Looks like most of the civilians had run away, but a few were still here, they were too injured to move. What should I do? Why is this happening?

Suddenly, Arts stood up, Demonic features visible on his body as he opened his eyes and looked around. Is he...?

"Hm, that was quite easy, this human was pitifully easy to possess."

N-no, it can\'t be...

"Arts...? I-is that you...?" I asked nervously, "Th-this is no time for joking around, that i-is you...right?"

"It has been a very long time since I last killed a human...and there are plenty of options to choose from here," He remarked, ignoring me before eyeing one of the civilians on the ground and rapidly flying towards her.

"No, stop!" I exclaimed, firing a heat beam in front of him, forcing him to halt.

"Hm? A human dares to attack me? Very well, then, if you are so eager to die, I shall kill you, as you wish!"

He shot towards me and fired out Obliteration Magic at me, I narrowly evaded it and sprang back to get some distance. But instead of coming after me, the Demon smirked and made a beeline towards one of the other civilians, an Obliteration Magic blast charged up in his hands.

I-I don\'t want to attack Arts\' body...but he\'s dead now, the Demon was now in possession of his body...if I don\'t do something, that monster will kill the civilians. I gritted my teeth, hesitated for a moment...and fired out a powerful heat beam at him, which struck the back of his head and scorched it off...right as he fired the Obliteration Magic blast at the civilian, wiping her out.

I collapsed onto my knees in despair...I just killed my friend\'s body, and I couldn\'t even save that civilian...i-if only I hadn\'t hesitated, then-...why is this happening, why-...I then froze as the dark cloud emerged from Arts\' corpse...oh, no, I almost forgot...a Demon isn\'t killed that easily...I lay slumped on my knees helplessly, as the dark cloud rushed towards me and enveloped me, when suddenly, everything went dark...

"You are reasonably powerful, I believe that you will make a decent host body."

You want my body...? No...I refuse to let you take it from me, I am tired of having things taken from me...so this time, I will take instead, I\'ll take your power. You monster...you can try all you want, but you won\'t overpower me so easily, I won\'t let you...!


Point-of-View: Selesa Jeule


"Damn it...that really hurt...," Groaned Shiro, as the dust began to clear.

"Grr...you\'re still alive," Muttered Fuo, standing up with a frown, breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath.

His entire right side was gone, blown away by Fuo\'s last attack.

"You bitch, that almost killed me...I\'m gonna fucking destroy you...!" He snarled, standing up as his right side began slowly regenerating.

"Oh, yeah? I\'d like to see you try," She responded, still transformed, though she had stopped glowing.

Suddenly, I heard a call behind me, and turned around to see three people headed our way...Persia, Les and uh...I forgot her name...

"Come on, hurry up, Miss Lidui!" Exclaimed Persia, as the third person lagged behind.

Ohh, right, Lidui Uensh, she\'s an instructor at the Academy here, I think.

"I\'d rather hide and wait this battle out," She sighed in reply, earning a glare from Persia.

"Are you alright?" Inquired Persia, as they joined up with us, before her eyes widened in shock as she saw Shiro, who had healed most of his right torso, "You...how are you still alive...!? I saw you die!"

"You okay, sister?" Asked Les with a look of concern, though he stepped back with a frown as I moved in to hug him.

"Well, now, this isn\'t a bad situation at all, the more the merrier...so, I\'ll kill all of you!" He exclaimed with a smirk, when suddenly, the air behind him turned dark and shimmery, and someone stepped out of it...a woman with black feathered wings and a black halo...damn, she\'s fine as hell, I\'d love to get a taste of a slice of her pie, if you know what I mean...

"That\'s enough for now, Shiro. Let\'s not overdo it, \'kay?" She remarked with a smirk.

"Huh? No way! I\'m just getting started here-!" He began to protest, when suddenly, she pushed him as the air in front of him shimmered.

He disappeared through it, before the air returned to normal.

"There, that\'ll make him frustrated, which means he\'ll be more chaotic next time!" She declared excitedly, before turning to us with a gleam in her eyes and pointing upwards, "I wouldn\'t mind fighting all of you myself, but it looks like a more interesting fate awaits you, so maybe next time, assuming you survive...well, have fun!"

As she disappeared into the air, my gaze followed the direction she\'d pointed at...to see two black clouds flying towards us. Uh-oh...those must be Demons. One of them suddenly stopped and instead hovered around above us, but the other one continued down, enveloping Lidui Uensh before she could react, her body falling to the ground as it entered her.

"Damn it, this is bad!" Exclaimed Les in alarm, getting some distance while keeping an eye on the other Demon.

"There\'s nothing we can do to defend ourselves," Mumbled Persia with a look of frustration.

This is kinda really bad...if Lidui fails to resist the Demonic possession, we can\'t stop the Demon even if we kill her body, it\'ll just possess someone else. And we\'ll be doubly screwed if the second Demon decides to enter the fray. Oh, looks like the first one is starting to wake up...

"Careful, she\'s getting up!" I warned, as she stood back up.

"Miss Lidui...? Is that you?" Inquired Persia cautiously.

"This body is decent, not the best host I\'ve had, but not the worst either. Now...which one of you should I kill first?" Remarked the Demon, before...eyeing me with a dark look in its eyes...God-fucking-dammnit, why me of all people!?

It then shot towards me, I stumbled back before I could stop myself, right as she neared me and drove a water blade towards my chest. Fuck, I can\'t dodge this, this might be it for me...! I closed my eyes and waited for the death blow...but nothing happened? Did it happen so fast that I died without feeling a thing?

I slowly opened my eyes and pinched myself...no, I\'m still alive. So, then, what just-...I let out a gasp of shock as I saw the sight in front of me....no...

"L-Les, why...?"

He was standing right in front of me with his back turned to me...and the water blade was pierced through the left side of his chest, going through his heart...

"Stupid sister, you always...," He replied, turning around with a weak smile, before trailing off and collapsing onto the ground as the life left his eyes.

No...this can\'t be happening-...before I could even process it, the other Demon swooped down towards me, enveloping me in an instant...


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