
Chapter 151 151; You Better Worry About Yourself First

Luo Wei bent down to get a knife from her thigh with Ming Xie also following and they began cutting then off from coiling around their bodies, the more they cut the more they coiled around their legs and hands.

"Aahhh! Damn it! What do we do now? We won\'t be able to make a move in this kind of situation." Ming Xie lamented as she slashed the wild veins angrily.

" I think we better use our powers, or we will be stuck here and await for our deaths." Luo Wei said frowning as he stood up looking at her surroundings.

"The river is just there beside us and you saw how many creatures just went inside the waters, what if we attract them because of the powers?

This place is surrounded by many creatures eying our powers; it will be risky, If we are going through this hell, do you think those teenagers we rescued will survive, this place doesn\'t seem inhibitable." Ming Xie spoke out as she continued cutting them.

"You better worry about yourself first, or are you not seei g in what kind of situation you are in." She retorted back as she continued cutting the veins.

"What kind of a wild and untamable flowers are these? Shouldn\'t flowers be beautiful for us to admire? When did they mutate into eating people!" Luo Wei felt all everything to be working against her.

" Hehehe... Miss stop asking about abnormalities of the world but rather ask your very own existence, are you supposed to be alive? You have awakened hidden powers that you never thought you had, do you still think yourself as a normal human being?" Ming Xie spoke out.

" Hehehe.... You really know where to hit the hardest." Luo Wei retorted back.

" Now this veins should have some conscious, but I haven\'t heard them speak out, do you think that they are still mutating?" Ming Xie asked curiously.

" How would I know, I don\'t belong to the flower tribe nor am I their ancestor." She replied sarcastically.

" I don\'t think we can make it out without using our powers, we better rescue ourselves out first then we shall fight with any incoming situations." Ming Xie stated as she realized that these veins were regenerating themselves so fast.

Luo Wei used her powers to slash the veins off her body and Ming Xie\'s as she pulled Ming Xie and teleported away, they stepped onto the ground after seeing the ground was clear.

They had just stepped onto the ground checking their surroundings when a huge swarm of bees moved towards their direction is speed.

"Woah! Woah! What a way to welcome!" Ming Xie exclaimed.

" Lay down" Luo Wei stated as they laid down and kept calm.

The bees stopped and hovered around on top of their bodies, the distance in between them was still huge.

After hovering for a while they left, it\'s as if they were looking for something and couldn\'t see it anymore.

Ming Xie sat up as she looked towards where the bees vanished to.

"When will we be able to get the fucking out of this place, it\'s as if we are going deeper inside instead of moving out of this forest, or are we going in circles" Ming Xie bemoaned.

" Do you think they knew the kind of the forest this is and that\'s why they built their hidden territory in here? If so they must be really clever." Luo Wei looked up at the sky laying down on the ground on her back.

"What do you think? Zero survival chances for anyone who escapes, so they aren\'t afraid of being reported or found, this forest is full of danger." Ming Xie replied.

" That\'s true." Luo Wei closed her eyes as she silently thought of Lin Wei.

Lin Wei who was still sitting crisscrossed meditating, felt heartache as she clutched onto her chest tightly her face turning pale.

Bai Chang noticed her little movements, "what\'s the matter?" He inquired, politely.

" Nothing," she responded softly while still her eyes closed but she knew it must be her mother missing her or thinking about her.

"But I saw you clutching your chest tightly, are you having any chest pains?" He inquired worriedly.

" Nothing really to worry about, keep quiet; you are distracting me." She spoke out coldly.

Bai Chang kept quiet while keeping an eye on her but he didn\'t know if he should explain to her about his existence and how come there are two Bai Chang, but he is the real one and the other is just his clone, a shadow he created out of himself.

He shook his head lightly, \'maybe next time.\' he silently concluded.

In the Camp Lin Huang and Lin Hong were busy training the soldiers, their ways of training were more hard and cruel compared to Eagle and Scorpion.

"Stand up, if you are unable to endure this little exercises, the how can you protect us and the people, we don\'t want weaklings, and if you think you are unable to go through it, then you can quit." Lin Hong spoke out coldly as he inspected their stamina.

"We need able soldiers and not soldiers just the name, you have seen how bombs are being thrown carelessly, if you are unable to rescue yourself and the people then you are not a soldier." Lin Huang said.

It was morning, Lin Wei snapped her eyes open as she checked around.

Bai Chang was nowhere to be found, she gently patted the sleeping ones beside her to wake up.

"Good Morning Wei Wei." Jun Wu Xue opened her eyes rubbing them groggily.

"Good morning my Princess." Xie greeted her politely.

" Morning. Go freshen up, we need to hit the road as soon as possible." Lin Wei said as she stood up and walked into the washroom, cleaned her face and walked out.

After few minutes they were done and walked down the stairs to the hall.

They sat down to eat some breakfast, "innkeeper, bring us some good food." Lin Wei spoke out loudly, the innkeeper nodded his head and went inside the kitchen.

The innkeeper brought them some porridge and some hard bread, "Innkeeper, food and not porridge, bring some heavy meals." Lin Wei dismissed him.

The innkeeper walked inside the kitchen and brought out some heavy meals.

After being served, they began eating, but Lin Wei could feel the strange stares directed at them, she frowned lightly and continued eating.

"Xie, Xiao Xue, eat some more, we will be traveling for a long distance before we could settle somewhere to rest, so you need to fill your tummies." She advised them as she added more food into their bowls.

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